... In a former supermarket, they sent their exceptionally well-conceived looks across old and dingy tile floors. It was one of the highlights of the day. ...

... Dafür, dass die Underground-Vibes bei Richert Beil niemals klischeehaft wirken, sorgen die elaborierten Entwürfe mit Haute-Couture-Anspruch, in die traditionelle alte deutsche Textilien und antike Näh- oder Veredelungstechniken einfließen. ...

RICHERT BEIL is back at Berlin Fashion Week with a bang! They put on a show like no other in a former supermarket in West Berlin. The Berlin-based brand revealed a cutting-edge collection that breaks the rules of gender roles and aesthetics. ...

... besuchte Berlins Wirtschaftssenatorin am Dienstag die Show von Richert Beil, einem Designerduo, das Geschlechterrollen und Schönheitsnormen hinterfragt und die Themen in ihre Arbeit einfließen lässt. ...

... In this line, the designer duo composed of Jale and Michele decided to question the social, cultural, and political systems that favor men and perpetuate gender oppression. The designs presented deconstructed traditional menswear into conceptual pieces, ...

... The progression of the looks spoke to the poetic ability of the brand, with the accessories such as bags made using books and pillows adding immensely to soft yet subversive choices made by the design team. ...

... Während der Kirche in Deutschland die Gläubigen davonlaufen, läuft es anderswo mit dem Christentum. Auf den Laufstegen präsentieren Modedesigner derzeit Kollektionen, die gespickt sind mit christlichen Bezügen. ...

... Time well spent, I would say as this collection felt their most elevated to date. Jale Richert and Michele Beil are known for their deconstruction of suits in particular, which they delivered. Only this time surrounded by a melancholic narrative rooted in German history. ...